Kogukonnaaed Kuressaares
Kasutatud kirjandus
Corrigan, PW., & Penn, D.L. (1996)
​Lessons from social psychology on discrediting psychiatric stigma
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Vocational, social, and therapeutic programs in horticulture. Binghamton, NY: The Food Products Press. Binghamton, NY: The Food Products Press.
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Horticultural Therapy Methods : Connecting People and Plants in Health Care, Human Services, and Therapeutic Programs. Taylor & Francis Group, Second Edition.
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Changing attitudes about schizophrenia, 25(3); 447-56.
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The well-connected community and opportunities to reinforce the persons with mental illness as citizens of the society.
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Social support, psychological distress and depression in hemodialysis patients. Psicologia della Salute 1, 112–122.
​Siu, A.M.H., Kam, M., & Mok, I. (2020).
Horticultural Therapy Program for People with Mental Illness: A Mixed-Method Evaluation. International Journal of Enivironmental Research and Public Health, 17 (3), 711. doi:10.3390/ijerph17030711
Sotsiaalministeerium. (2021).
Uuring: paremad teadmised psüühilise erivajadusega inimeste kohta aitaksid muuta Eesti ühiskonda mõistvamaks. Alla laaditud 01.03.2022 https://www.sm.ee/et/uudised/uuring-paremad-teadmised-psuuhilise-erivajadusega-inimeste-kohta-aitaksid-muuta-eesti